Sunday, 3 August 2008

Pictures of Us

Class Picture of [most of] the Inclusive Church folks at Lambeth

With the Canadians identified: back row - Chris, Neil and Steve; next row - Ron; front row - Bob.
Photo credit: Cynthia Black (front row, right hand end - blue lanyard, she's Press)

The 5 Integrity Canada people, at our last meeting Friday night
before: Bob, Neil, Ron, Steve; behind: Chris

Home again, home again, jiggety-jig (well, maybe not that fast, 10am UK time to 11pm Toronto time), and I've now got some photos of us ready to post, to put faces to the writing.

Steve mentioned the Friday evening party at St Stephen's parish hall, for those of us who were supporting/staffing the Inclusive Church initiative, and most of us were able to be there. While there, a "class photo" was taken, and that's above (with a key to help you find the Canajuns).

After that party, the five of us adjourned to the Beverlie (the pub 100 metres away) to do some initial reflection amongst ourselves on our presence, as Canadians, at the 2008 Lambeth Conference. We also began thinking of the next steps once we get back to the Great White North. I'm spozed to write up some of the notes, and we'll do some conference call consulting, and get back to you all.

As I key this in, the final service is underway in Canterbury Cathedral. I'm not sure what the bishops did on the last couple of days. A few further reactions and reporting will appear soon - even though we've dispersed from Canterbury physically, the conference isn't quite finished.


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