Monday, 21 July 2008

Canadians in Kent

[initial post by Chris]

There are five members of Integrity Canada here in Canterbury at the Lambeth Conference. Ron Chaplin [Ottawa] arrived last Wednesday, Chris Ambidge [Toronto], Bob Webster [Winnipeg] and Steve Schuh [Vancouver] arrived on Saturday; and Neil Fernyhough [also Vancouver] just arrived half an hour ago. Neil immediately found a horizontal padded surface - he's been awake for 36 hours or so - but the rest of us are on UK time.

While Bob and Ron and I were tromping down the hill from the University of Kent (venue of most of the conference) to St Stephen's Parish Hall (the Inclusive Church / Integrity / Changing Attitude team office), I had the rather belated idea to create a blog that we could all post to as the inspiration and opportunity arose. So this is the initial post, more substantive stuff will be posted soon. I've told Ron it's his turn, but he may/may not get to it soon.

But we will get more material out soon. With any luck, we'll get photos posted as well. Talk to you soon


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